Saturday, March 28, 2009

So much for that

I'm sad. I couldn't even make it a full week on the IC elmination diet without caving. I'm glad I wasn't doing this for weight loss, or I'd feel really pathetic right now. As is, I'm just aggravated with myself. I mean I'm doing this for my health so I'd have thought sticking to it would be a breeze. I do however refuse to quit being vegan to make this work. That would be easier, but I'm a vegan in rural Arkansas, its never been easy. I guess that is part of what I love about it. The challenge. Though if I hear why don't you just graze one more time I am going to scream!
So, I have decided to not do such a strict elimination diet. Instead I am going to try going with the Usually ok foods on this list from the IC-Network. That way I won't feel so deprived, and cheat.
I know I have to do this to get better, or at least as close to it as possible. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired, so if this elimination diet will help, then I will do it! Or try.......... Yeah I'm pathetic.