Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Interstitial Cystitis

Well, I have been neglecting my blog horribly. I have been sick most of the year, and going from doctor to doctor to try and find what was wrong. I finally have a diagnosis of IC (interstitial cystitis.) This is good and bad in a way. I'm so relieved to know what has been causing me so much pain, and to start trying to treat it. On the other hand, I'm worried about how the changes I have to make in my diet will affect my vegan diet. I'm currently on an elimination diet. All I am eating is bread, rice, and potatoes. No sauces or seasonings. Its very bland. I have made the switch to only drinking water. Which I needed to do anyways. No more cokes for me, and the only teas I'll drink are herbal teas. But those will come in time. I am on day two of this diet. I will begin to add other foods into my diet in 12 days. I will add one food at a time in, so I can see what is bothering my bladder, and what isn't.
I originally made the switch to being a vegan for my health. All of my other health problems have improved so much that I can't see myself going back to the SAD (Standard American Diet) again. I'm going to have to go through my cookbooks and adapt recipes, but this should be fun. It will be a learning process for me.
If any of you are vegan and have IC leave me a comment. It would be great to talk to someone else who has gone through this process, and could give me some pointers on it.
Poor veggie girl is terrified this means I'm going to make her diet even more restrictive. But I won't. There is no reason she can't continue to eat the way she has been as long as it is healthy.


Anonymous said...

I'm vegan and have IC. I had been vegetarian for about 15 years, and came down with IC and became vegan at about the same time, about 4 years ago. I have actually had very little trouble combining the 2issues.
I noticed you said you are eating bread. Most bread does contain yeast which bothers a lot of people with IC. Things without yeast such as biscuits and cornbread (which can be made with rice milk or soy milk) are fine. And stores like Whole Foods, etc. usually carry yeast-free bread.
Of the foods on the don't eat list for IC, some bother me and some don't. Definitely everybody's different. I followed the list strictly for about a year and a half, and then tried things one at a time so my diet has expanded since then.
I'd be very happy to talk more about it with you. You should be feeling much better soon and there is plenty to eat! I have NO symptoms when I follow the diet.